The Sisters of Life are a contemplative active religious community founded by John Cardinal O’Connor with the charism of proclaiming the sacredness of human life. Their primary work is contemplative Eucharistic Adoration and their apostolic works flow from their daily prayer. Their missions include serving vulnerable pregnant women, Hope and Healing Mission after abortion, a retreat mission, and a mission of bringing God’s plan for life and love to university campuses. They have 130 Sisters with 5 Sisters living in Denver, Colorado.
While serving as a Naval Officer, Sr. Maris Stella had a profound experience of God’s love in the Eucharist that opened her heart to religious life. She encountered the Sisters of Life and knew she was being called to lay down her life that others might live and have eternal life. Sr. Maris Stella has served in various missions including the Visitation Mission to women who are pregnant and vulnerable to abortion and in the Hope and Healing Mission a work of retreats and accompaniment for those suffering after abortion.
She lives in Denver and shares God’s plan for life and love on university campuses. Sr. Maris Stella is from Ludlow, Massachusetts and was raised in Christ the King Parish; she is the 2nd of 4 children. She attended the US Naval Academy, in Annapolis MD where she competed on the triathlon team. Upon graduation, served in the Navy for 5 years as a surface warfare officer on ships and in operations. She entered the Sisters of Life in 2006 and professed her final vows in 2014. She holds a Masters Degree in Theology from the Augustine Institute.