Dr. Daniel Baillargeon is a Catholic educator who has committed himself to researching and advancing what is true, good, and beautiful in the Catholic schools and Church throughout the country. He has served in Catholic education as a teacher, principal, superintendent, and national advocate, having earned his Ph.D. from Catholic University of America. He is currently the president of Mission Driven Catholic, an organization he founded to empower today's Catholic educators and leaders to witness to and advance the evangelizing mission of the Church. Mission Driven Catholic currently provides executive mentoring, formation, strategic planning, and retreats for Catholic leaders in schools, parishes, and dioceses. Dan, along with his wife, Megan, have a passion for evangelization and sharing Christ’s message of love and truth. Together they have coordinated and presented at married couples’ groups, Confirmation programs, diocesan retreats, youth and young adult groups, and even have their own Youtube Channel. In these ways, they share the joy of living fully the Catholic faith. Dan and Megan have nine children that keep them on the go, but as a family, they still try to take as much time as possible to enjoy all of the blessings the Lord has provided and find joy in the little things.